Required Data Collection for Meaningful Use Attestation

After implementing a certified EMR or EHR and registering for meaningful use incentive payments, you need to start preparing to attest to meaningful use of your EMR or EHR system by presenting the required collected data.
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After implementing a certified EMR or EHR and registering for meaningful use incentive payments, you need to start preparing to attest to meaningful use of your EMR or EHR system by presenting the required collected data.

Data Collection Timeline

You will have to collect data from 20 different meaningful use stage 1 objectives within a 90 consecutive day period. Select a starting date and collect all the required data for the next 90 days. You do not have to collect data on days the practice is closed.

Required Data Collection

All 15 of the Core Objectives and five of the 10 Menu Set Objectives of Meaningful Use Stage 1, as listed below, are required. You do not have to collect this information from each patient to qualify for meaningful use. You only have to collect each type of target information from a percentage of patients, which is listed for each core objective. For example, you only need to collect e-prescription data from 40% or more of prescriptions during the 90 day collection period.

Tracking meaningful use data collection

Some EHR systems include a meaningful use dashboard that allows you to see which criteria you are meeting and which ones you still need to accomplish. There are also software companies that offer additional reporting software to track meaningful use attestation.

Below are the Core Objectives and Menu Set Objectives of meaningful use stage 1 that data must be collected from:

Core Objectives
All 15 of the meaningful use stage 1 Core Objectives are required
  1. Must use computerized physician order entry (CPOE) for >30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list
  2. Drug‐drug and drug‐allergy interaction must be enabled
  3. E-Prescribe for >40% of the permissible prescriptions
  4. Record demographics (preferred language, gender, race, ethnicity, DOB) as structured data for >50% of all unique patients seen
  5. Maintain an up‐to‐date problem list of current and active diagnoses on >80% of all unique patients seen that has at least one entry (or an indication that no problems are known) recorded as structured data
  6. >80% of all unique patients seen have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient is not currently prescribed any medication) recorded as structured data in the medication list
  7. >80% of all unique patients seen have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient has no known medication allergies) recorded as structured data in the medication allergy list
  8. >50% of all patients age 2 and above seen with the EHR have vital signs (height, weight and blood pressure) recorded as structured data
  9. Record >50% of patients smoking status for patients 13 years or older recorded as structured data
  10. Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS/States on all your patients in the EMR
  11. Implement one clinical decision support rule
  12. Provide >50% patients with an electronic copy of their health information within 3 business days, upon request
  13. Provide >50% of patients with a clinical summary within 3 business days
  14. Must perform at least one test of electronic data exchange of key clinical information
  15. Conduct or review a security risk analysis and implement security updates as necessary and correct identified security deficiencies