Make sure you have properly collected all the necessary data to attest to meaningful use before starting this process because you are only allowed to attest once every 90 days. If you have met all of the requirements, you will have to wait 90 days to attest to meaningful use again.
After meeting all the required criteria, such as registering for meaningful use incentive payments and collecting the necessary data for 90 days, you are ready to attest to meaningful use of your EMR or EHR system.
Make sure you have properly collected all the necessary data to attest to meaningful use before starting this process because you are only allowed to attest once every 90 days. If you have met all of the requirements, you will have to wait 90 days to attest to meaningful use again.
Meaningful Use Performance Report
If your EMR or EHR system creates meaningful use performance reports, which shows your data collection standing for each meaningful use criteria, print out a copy of it. If your EMR does not have this function, use the CMS meaningful use calculator to determine if you have met all the requirements and get a performance report print out.
Meaningful Use Attestation
With the report print out, you are ready to attest to meaningful use. Login to the Registration and Attestation System and fill out all the questions based on your meaningful use performance reports. The two types of questions you will see are yes/no questions and percentage questions.
After achieving and attesting to meaningful use of your EMR or EHR system, you will receive a check within 45 days.