Going Live With EMR

The EHR / EMR implementation is one of the largest undertakings that any medical practice can do. It can be expensive and stressful. Here are a few suggestions that will help make the process go smoothly.
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i 3 Table of Contents

  1. Plan your EHR or EMR Implementation:

    Of course, with all the deadlines and Meaningful Use guidelines, you may feel pressured, it’s understandable, but don’t rush.

    Allocate a realistic budget and timeline:
    • Work with your clinical and IT team reorganize your EHR workflows
    • EMR Installation Consultants can help ease the difficulties associated with the installation process
    • You may need some additional IT help after the implementation
    • There may be some staff turnover after the implementation
  2. Update your technology infrastructure and security:

    This is probably the time to update an aging data center and your security system. Most people assume that EMR is a stand-alone purchase, but EMR implementation is not. Find out about the technical and security requirements. You may need to purchase new hardware.

  3. Bridge the gap between your clinical workflow and new IT:

    There will be gaps between the current workflow of your practice and how your practice will function after the EMR implementation. Be sure to have a clinical information technology (IT) specialist on the Transition Team. This is a medical professional that has experience with clinical info and IT.

  4. Be Prepared and be Flexible:

    There may be an issue even with the best planned projects. Work with your IT team and stay calm. You’ll find a workable solution.

  5. Post implementation Training and Optimization:

    After you “go-live”, you and your staff will need to change gears to start optimizing the EMR and achieve Meaningful Use. You will continue to need some support and probably some additional training from EMR training consultants.

  6. Take time to learn:

    On the first few days of EHR implementation, keep the schedule to a minimum. Give yourself and your staff time to adopt new procedures and workflow.

  7. Let your patients know about the EMR implementation:

    As your office confirms new appointments, it’s helpful to let patients know about the new EMR. Also, ask them to bring current medications and relevant medical histories. Most patients understand that the EMR will improve patient care and experience and if there is glitch will be more understanding instead of angry.