I took my son for his 3rd ER visit due to homicidal thoughts and thoughts of hurting himself. My son said he needed to go. The DR on Sunday understood the we needed to keep our family safe. My son wanted to kill us all and this isn't the first time. The DR that sees him during the week doesn't listen to my son and discharges him as "safe". My son isn't allowed to go to school because he wants to kill people. But I ask the ER staff why he's given a school note and they state "he's safe for school". While IN this ER my son CUT HIS ARMS. They brushed it off. That was the first time he ever did that. How did they allow that to happen? They ask my son if he wants to hurt people AT THAT MOMENT, he says they will ask him several times to get he answer they want. He says in the moment, he isn't thinking of it, but the ACTUAL DESIRE TO KILL PEOPLE NEVER GOES AWAY. I'm a mom reaching out for help for a kid that obviously needs help and I'm continually turned away. I have called pretty much every therapy place in town and they've said they can't deal with this kind of child. I have been turned away from DSS. I have called DJJ and they can't help. I have called the sheriffs dept and they say the same as everywhere else, take him to the ER. When I take my son to the ER they play these games with me and offer NO help. If my son kills me or anyone else, it's on them. I'm leaving this here as a reminder that parents can be good parents and try very hard to get their children help and be continually turned away. I don't just leave my son in the ER because I don't want to have DSS turn on me and get my other kids taken away. That happens to people and my other two have asked me to never put them in that situation. My son needs help and HE knows this on some level. He told me tonight on the way home from the ER that he will kill me one day, it doesn't matter how good I am to him, I can give him whatever he asks for and he will still kill me. He told me not to take it personal, he just needs to kill me. Thank you Behavioral Health Services, specially the DR who releases my son and to the social worker Michael F. for speaking to my son, seeing him IN PAIN ASKING FOR HELP and you turning your back on him. You are a sorry excuse for a person. If my son hurts anyone, I hold you responsible also.