Fairview Developmental Center

MedicalRecords.com Rating
15 reviews
MedicalRecords.com Rating 3.2
15 reviews
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Need your medical records from Fairview Developmental Center?


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Emergency Service Available


Group Service


Hospital Type
  • Acute Care Hospitals
  • Short Term Acute Care
Control Type
  • Governmental
  • State
Total Staffed Beds 30

Licensed Beds 30

Bed Utilization


Total Discharges


Total Patient Days


Total Patient Revenue


MedicalRecords.com Rating 3.2
(15 reviews)

Jazmine Salazar

A family member got molested here at Fairview on August 3 2018 this facility needs to be closed down!! Administration & supervisors are very unprofessional here. They change the story a million times I would not recommend this place to anyone. Workers here take advantage of the disabled which is not right. The staff here at fairview just tells a bunch of lies to cover them selfs up. Clients here at Fairview need justice to be served and it just makes me sad

Laurence Ingraham

My brother, Van Ingraham, was the victim of a homicide at Fairview, at the hands of a caregiver. The Fairview police force, called the Office of Protective Services, did not even take a crime report. We later learned that Fairview was routinely ignoring abuse of the disabled, and was regularly covering up assault / rape / abuse cases by staff. After hundreds and hundreds of abuse and death cases that were not investigated were uncovered, the state began shutting Fairview down. They will be shut down within the next year, as well as all the other facilities across the state. The poor little angels that lived in these torture chambers are being placed in small group homes, where they can receive decent care and proper investigations by real police forces, into any crimes against them. Read the national stories written by Ryan Gabrielson, starting with "Manner of Death: Undetermined". Place in your browser "Van Ingraham" for details, which show the atrocities by Fairview.

Jeffrey Tsuchiyama

This is a pathetic Hospital run by morons who do not even have any medical training. Unbelievable? Check it out yourselves. This place is run by Therapists!!! None who have ever worked on a actual nursing floor. This is a hospital? Tell me what other hospital lets therapists make the top decisions. Staff are going crazy. No Administrative support. The Union is a joke. Overtime is mandated instead of hiring new employees. The worst case of mismanagement ever!

C Lang

Visited as a kid. Singing during Christmas

Brian Kendall

Shut it down