Mom is 85 and fell last Tuesday night. 911 was called and she was transferred by ambulance to Habersham County Emergency Room within minutes. She was in severe pain on her left thigh was evaluated and X-Rays and CT Scan were done. Test results were reviewed by their specialists with no problems found. She was released so we took her home the next day.
That day and through the night we were working with her to get her back to walking. She kept saying how bad the pain was, but we insisted she keep pressing on but the pain was severe. Since we knew there were no broken bones, we insisted she keep trying to walk.
The next day we decided to take her to Mountain Lakes Medical Center in Clayton for further evaluation. She was admitted into the hospital for a concern with her blood condition, so they followed up and requested the records from Habersham County be sent to them for their records. The records arrived the next evening.
As the PA and staff at Mountain Lakes Medical Center was reviewing the records for input into the computer, they noticed a problem. The left femur was clearing broken. Within minutes our family was notified and she was transferred to Northeast Georgia in Gainesville where she is now. Within a few hours she went through surgery to fix the damage. The surgeon said it was actually in considerably worse condition than the CT and X-Ray had revealed.
I didn't think too much about this until people reminded me about my cousin where approximately 2 weeks back, she had an emergency condition and taken to Habersham County Emergency Room. She had all the symptoms of a stroke and they evaluated her and sent her home for vertigo. As it turns our, she had a stroke and was not diagnosed at Habersham as a stroke victim, but the next facility immediately found it to be a stroke but it was two days later. This is not good.