Please avoid this "ER" at all costs! Tanner should really consider closing this place down. Two weeks ago, I went in because I was having complications with a new port a cath that was recently placed. The Dr came in, literally looked at it for a few seconds and said "I don't know what to tell you", "see what the infusion center says about it". The nurse came in, gave me a pain shot in my hip, didn't wipe it off or provide a band aid, so I had a nice sized blood stain that soaked through my pants. I was told someone would be back to check on me in 30 minutes. Over an hour had passed, no one had still come back in, so I went to the nurses station where everyone was on their phones laughing. I told a nurse I was ready to go if that's all they were going to do. No X-ray or anything to check my port. When I went to the infusion center a week later, they were not able to push any medicine or get any blood return from it, so I was sent to the ER again, but not Bremen this time. Thankfully, this Dr was more interested in helping and knew what they were doing. I had an X-ray which did show an issue with my port, which led to me having a port o gram study a few days later. It shows sheath which could be a serious issue if left untreated. If the first Dr I saw in Bremen would have been more caring and actually did some tests, I could have already had this serious issue taken care of, but instead, I have lost valuable time due to his negligence and uncaring approach. Luckily, my port is going to have to be removed, so I hope I'll never be in a situation where my health was comprised due to lack of care. Sitting around laughing, looking at phones is way more important. Extremely unprofessional in every way possible.