I've been going here since it was the original Holyoke Hospital. Now at age 70, my primary care doctor is at 2 Hospital Drive. Love the office and no problems. However, now I go see Dr. Dodson for my eyes and get my diabetes blood work done at 10 Hospital Drive. The parking is a joke! I went there 3 different mornings in January for the blood work and after driving around the over crowded parking lot 2-3 times, I gave up and went home. I saw my primary care doctor for my regular 3 month visit in February and he was upset I didn't get my blood work done. I asked him where was I supposed to park! I don't want some kid parking my van. I want to be able to park at 10 Hospital Drive as I always did to go to my doctor appointments, before new Emergency Room was built. Why didn't the hospital think about where the people were going to park when they lost the parking lot to the new addition. Something has to be done for the patients that go to see their doctors at 10 Hospital Drive and now can't even find a parking space. At 70, I will not walk from old upper lot to office. The parking lot for offices at 10 Hospital Drive should be for the people that have to go into that building. All I see anyway are the Valet drivers in glorified golf carts cruising around or talking to another Valet drivers. Seems to me it would have been cheaper to build a parking lot just for the Emergency Room rather than creating a mess for patients trying to park to go see their doctors. It's like 10 Hospital Drive parking lot has now become parking lot for the Emergency Room. Something needs to be done about this situation as I'd hate to have to go find a new doctor elsewhere because I can't find a dam parking space!