Kaiser Foundation Hospital – Antioch

MedicalRecords.com Rating
151 reviews
MedicalRecords.com Rating 4.1
151 reviews
Need your medical records from Kaiser Foundation Hospital – Antioch?


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Special Care Services
  • Intensive Care Unit
Emergency Services
  • Emergency Department
  • Joint Replacement
Surgery Services
  • Inpatient Surgery
  • Obstetrics
  • Hemodialysis
Need your medical records from Kaiser Foundation Hospital – Antioch?


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Emergency Service Available


Group Service


Hospital Type
  • Acute Care Hospitals
  • Short Term Acute Care
Control Type
  • Voluntary Nonprofit
  • Other
Total Staffed Beds 138
Total Discharges


Total Patient Days


TPS Quality Score 32

MedicalRecords.com Rating 4.1
(151 reviews)


People here are very attentive and building is kept very clean it tends to get packed sometimes. I rarely go to the pharmacy here during day,seems slower and often too busy. they are the only one that I know of that has a 24-hour pharmacy which is wonderful. This Kaiser also offers all kinds of neat classes from yoga to Zumba and other aerobics, over all a great Kaiser.

Linda Rose Gullion

I was a Kaiser Permanente baby and have received the best of care in the Santa Clara and Contra Costa counties. So grateful for this HMO.

Dave B

Entered emergency Saturday morning no complaints. Fairly quick diagnosis that I needed my gaul bladder removed which occurred late Saturday by laparoscopic procedure. Hemoglobin count is 16. Normally I would go home the next day but they kept me to watch me bleed out internally. About 3 days later they are offering me a transfusion. I declined, requested iron, and a diagnosis of the problem which they finally agreed to the next day 4 and sending me home with a belly full of blood and a count of 7.8 on day 5. CT test showed a large hematoma in abdomen and no active bleeding. I was told that my body has to get rid of the blood. Abdomen is distended and firm. In reading about these issues they could have gone back in to stop the bleeding and drain the excess blood. The surgeon's lack of action is indicative of an attempt to cover up a mistake at the risk of my life. I tried Blue Cross before and found it difficult to navigate. Kaiser is great until you really need them. I can find no process for help if you have no confidence in your doctor.

Silvia Vasquez

The doctors here really don’t care about your health, all they do is prescribe Medication tell you you’ll be ok and that’s that. They had me do an unnecessary X-ray for a sprained ankle. I’ve gone and met different doctors for different things and they’re all the same. I’m honestly disappointed since Kaiser is suppose to have the best Doctors. I honestly try to avoid going to the dr as much as I can for this same reason I haven’t picked a Regular Dr to go to.

Orak Pulanco

ED is your worst nightmare in kaiser, waiting time to be x ray takes 2-3 hours even worst 4-5 hours. ED ( emergency department) i think they dont know the meaning of emergency or they are just lazy.